Saturday, January 29, 2011

How to Maintain a Server Operating Enviroment

Maintaing an operating enviroment or simply put maintaining a server room is an important task for any IT admin. This article will give the basics of keeping your server's operating enviroment at it's best.


Things You'll Need:

  • Time
  • Dedication
  • Hardwork
  1. 1

    Keeping your server room clean is of utmost importance. Dust build up can cause a variety of problems such as restricted air flow to the case, clogged vents, raised internal temperature for systems, and damage of actual computer components.

  2. 2

    Temperature control is also crucial to a good server operating environment. It is generally understood that the temperature in a server room be around 70 degrees. This temperature will allow your systems to function at their highest capacity. Consider buying network management software that will assist you in monitoring the temperature of your servers.

  3. 3

    Implement a system of Fire Prevention. Keep all flammables out of the server room and have a fire extinguisher nearby. Develop a plan of how to react in an event of a fire.

  4. 4

    Monitor the humidity in the server room with a special humidity gauge. Too high of humidity can cause condensation on components and even rust is possible. Low humidity can create the buildup of static that could damage components.

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